Ladner Market

Bibs, Hats and onesies...oh my! The table was full yesterday at the Ladner Market.  One of the perks of being a member with the Watershed Artworks Society in North Delta is the fact that we get to share booth space at the Ladner Market every summer.  Ladner has grown in to a huge farmers and artisan market showcasing everything from pottery, to woodworking, to painting, to salad dressing and specialty food items...and it's all amazing! There is live music almost all day long (which we were fortunate enough to be quite close to this weekend!) and the food vendors are to die for. Seriously.

I'm so grateful my stuff was well received yesterday, and after a long week of working after the kiddos went to bed I am renewed and ready for a great summer full of more great markets.  You can find me next weekend at the River Market in New Westminster on Saturday and the brand new Firehall Farmers Market in North Delta on Sunday.  You can find times and addresses on the events page of the blog.

See you there :)

M, xo



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